Monday, December 19, 2011

National Breast Cancer Foundation - Hamden Plaza Fundraiser

On the last weekend of October, we hosted our fundraiser for The National Breast Cancer Foundation in the Hamden Plaza. It was an awesome event in which we surpassed our goal. We had 15 volunteers help out and talk to people in the Hamden Plaza about Breast Cancer, raising awareness and money. We had volunteers strategically scattered in pairs around the plaza; catching people as they came out stores, stopping traffic, and surveying the parking lots. People of all ages donated what they could.

I’d like to specially thank The Pacific Bar and Grill who allowed us to set up our station outside of their business. The staff at The Pacific Bar and Grill also helped out by each individually donating money to the cause. The Saturday of the event, inconveniently coincided with the huge snow storm that caused record breaking power outages in Connecticut, but that didn’t stop our volunteers from toughening it out and serving.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer once said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

Here are a few cell phone pictures from the event.

Setting up the table outside The Pacific Buffet and Grill

Decorating our station and preparing for the day.

Braving some of the inclement weather conditions.

Ryan and Volf standing their post (in the middle of the road).

The Volunteers.